Author Archives: admin
George Carlin – Soft rock music isn’t rock, and it ain’t music. It’s just soft
George Carlin – As soon as someone is identified as an unsung hero
I need you, a lot more than you think
Once you leave the womb, conservatives don’t care about you until you reach military age
Once you leave the womb, conservatives don’t care about you until you reach military age. Then you’re just what they’re looking for. Conservatives want live babies so they can raise them to be dead soldiers. – George Carlin
George Washington’s brother, Lawrence, was the Uncle of Our Country.
George Washington’s brother, Lawrence, was the Uncle of Our Country. – George Carlin
What year did Jesus think it was?
What year did Jesus think it was? – George Carlin
I knew a transsexual guy whose only ambition is to eat, drink, and be Mary.
I knew a transsexual guy whose only ambition is to eat, drink, and be Mary. – George Carlin